Minibus service helps those with mobility issues to travel in Lincolnshire

A charitable minibus service and mobility equipment shop is dedicated to helping people with mobility issues travel across Lincolnshire and is considered a lifeline to many of its customers. The coronavirus has had a big impact on the charity who are trying to encourage more people to register to get traveling safely again.
When the pandemic hit its peak back in April the minibus charity, DialaRide, had to stop transporting customers with many paid staff put on furlough and volunteers asked to go home. With the shutters down, DialaRide had to consider other ways their minibuses could help the community.
Throughout the pandemic DialaRide started delivering for the food bank twice a week and by the end of May they had already delivered 70 food parcels. They also made themselves available as a transport option for families attending funerals.

As many of their customers are elderly and the most vulnerable in society, they also took the time to call customers just to check in.
In 2015 they reported that they helped over 900 customers who struggle to use public transport to get out and about.
They say that the aim of the charity "dedicates itself to improving the quality of life and promoting the social inclusion and independence of those individuals that are disadvantaged through age and/or disability."
Currently DialaRide are beginning to start up again on a reduced service but with months of little income they have had to make cuts “we do not have many paid staff, and the majority have been furloughed to save with costs.”
The service relies on funding. With uncertainties across all sectors in businesses, obtaining funding for this year has been difficult.
“Our income has been dramatically cut with lack of trips. Some of our key funding partners have not been able to confirm when or if we may look to receive any funding this year.”
ShopMobility is DialaRide’s shop for hiring mobility equipment including wheelchairs and powered scooters.

Registering and using DialaRide is easy by phoning them on 01522 544983. Give them a call to organise your next trip. Passengers can book a journey for any reason including going to the supermarket, going to town or visiting friends. Journeys are available in single or return trips. There’s also a volunteer car scheme for passengers outside of the Lincoln catchment area.