Stagecoach uses 'BUS FULL' signs when covid limit reached

These next four weeks with lockdown number 2 is going to be tough for everyone but especially if you are planning on travelling. We take a look at one particular safety measure a bus operator is using in order to comply with government rules and more importantly make the bus safe for everyone.
From Thursday 5 November 2020 the whole country will go into a second national lockdown with the government ruling that you must stay at home except for specific purposes. During this lockdown it may still be possible for you to take a bus journey providing it is for a good reason, check out our live guide for the details.
Stagecoach are operating “BUS FULL” signs on the front of their buses when the safe capacity has been reached. This means you could be waiting for your bus and notice it drive right past you with some empty seats. These empty seats are to allow for social distancing on the bus. Stagecoach have advised that passengers should “…be patient and consider others who may need to travel more urgently than you” and that they encourage everyone to “plan ahead, avoid busy times if you can”.
The driver on a Stagecoach bus will be constantly monitoring the number of people on the bus. As soon as the safe threshold is reached the driver will activate a message on the front of the bus saying “BUS FULL” or “Sorry bus full due to social distancing” or another variation. At this point, similar to the supermarket lockdown queues, the driver will adopt a one-off, one-on policy.